What a great last week of August!
I didn’t expected that the fast food chain that I’m applying for since June 11th texted me last August 28th…
“Good morning! This is to inform you that you have initial interview this afternoon, August 28 at 2 pm here in name of the fast food chain near post office. Thank you!”
-were 7 applicants during that time.
2 days after, August 30th 5 out of 7 texted us again…
“Good morning! This is to inform you that you have final interview this afternoon at 2 PM here in name of the fast food chain. Thank you.”
Today, August 31st IDK who still remains aside from me…
“Good morning! This is to inform you that you passed the final interview, please call name of the fast food chain for details of your training. Thank you.”
Yay I really wish I could pass the 3 day training! Wish me luck guys!
Good times!
Random Week.
Yesterday was all about the Manila Bus Hostage Crisis on Quirino Grandstand. It was a sad drama many people died because of former police man's one ambition. God Bless their souls and no one wants to happened it again.
Today is a great one to the Philippines for making its representative to Miss Universe 2010 Maria Venus Raj to TOP 5 spot! Wish her luck!
"Mexico is Ms. U 2010. Good job Philippines for being in the 4th spot."
Facebook Dislike Button Is Fake [WARNING]
First, let’s clear things up: There is no such thing as an official Facebook dislike button. It’s possible that Facebook will implement a similar feature in the future, but right now it simply doesn’t exist.
So, if you see a status update containing the message “I just got the Dislike button, so now I can dislike all of your dumb posts lol!!” or “Get the official DISLIKE button now” followed by a link, you should know that it’s another one of many scams that aim to extract your personal data.
If you click on the link, you’ll land on an elaborate Facebook dislike button “install” page (note that if the dislike button were real, you wouldn’t need to install it; Facebook would automatically add it to user profiles). If you follow the instructions, you’ll be asked to give the app permission to run, after which you’ll be asked to complete a survey, similar to the surveys found in many other scams we’ve seen recently.
Interestingly enough, the app ultimately points you to an existing Firefox add-on called FaceMod, which dubs itself the “Facebook Dislike Button (the Original),” but the add-on doesn’t seem to be connected to the scam. We haven’t verified whether the add-on works as advertised or if it’s dangerous, but one thing is certain: It is not coming from Facebook and it is not an official Facebook dislike button.
As usual, we advise you not to click on suspicious links on Facebook, especially if they promise something that sounds impossible or unlikely. Do not give away your personal information, unless you’re absolutely sure why and who you’re giving it to. If you’ve fallen for the scam, remove the offending app(s) from your Facebook profile; furthermore, remove the related message from your status, News Feed, and your Likes and Interests in the “Edit my Profile” menu.
[via Sophos]
PNoy's Official Website.
PNoy have his official website starting today!
Do say what you want to Philippine President by posting your insights and opinions about his administration to our beloved Philippines at http://president.gov.ph
The website contains not only about PNoy’s updated news and videos but also to his Cabinet members profile, different links to Government Departments and more.
You can follow him on Twitter and stay connected with him on Facebook.
Good times!
Tweeting in the skies!
Yes! Its possible now to access in the internet while you’re in board! @VirginAtlantic Airlines allow its passenger to tweet and do everything on the web during their flight.
Its common for us to turn off our mobile web enable/smart phones and laptops while we’re taking a plane flight, right? With this new service, you can fly higher than the airplane do. :)
Good times!
Something 'Bout Love - David Archuleta